Entries by admin

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How much it costs to develop a mobile app?

It is fairly common belief that mobile apps are an easy way to make money, and people often ask me how to publish one and, above all, how much it costs. Actually, a brief survey is enough to discover that moving from the idea of an app to its realization is not so simple. The […]

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Latin Dictionary

A new and interesting offering by Edigeo for schools, universities and all those interested in classical languages. The app Hoepli Latin Dictionary is the result of a ten-year team work by a group of authors who intended to put together the scientific skills of university research with the teaching experience to provide a reference work […]

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Hoepli Test Farmacia

Need to get through the entrance test to the University? Be ready with the newest Hoepli Test app, specifically designed for the admission to all degree courses of Farmacia, CTF , Biotecnologie, and Tecniche erboristiche. The Hoepli Test apps are the ultimate and intuitive tool that you can use everywhere and whenever you wish to […]


The ambiguity of perceived value

Printed reference works – such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, manuals, etc. –offer hostorically a sense of major quality and solidity, which is the reason why they are perceived as tools able to last over time. The purchase of a dictionary or encyclopaedia was based on the belief that future generations would benefit from it, and that […]

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Hoepli Test Psicologia

Need to get through the entrance test to the University? Be ready with the newest Hoepli Test app, specifically designed for the admission to all degree courses in Psychology. The Hoepli Test apps are the ultimate and intuitive tool that you can use everywhere and whenever you wish to improve your preparation. This app id […]

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Hoepli Test Design

Need to get through the entrance test to the University? Be ready with the newest Hoepli Test app, specifically designed for the admission to all degree courses of Design, Design, including: Design del prodotto industriale – Design e arti – Design degli interni – Design della comunicazione – Design della moda – Design e comunicazione […]

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Hoepli Test Professioni sanitarie

Need to get through the entrance test to the University? Be ready with the new free Hoepli Test app, specifically designed for the admission to all degree courses in Health Professions. The Hoepli Test apps are the ultimate and intuitive tool that you can use everywhere and whenever you wish to improve your preparation. This […]

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Finnish Dictionary

This app provides the Hoepli edition of the Finnish-Italian/Italian- Finnish Dictionary from Lorenzo Amato, Katia Brunetto, and Lena Dal Pozzo. With over 25,000 headwords graphically displayed in a clear and immediate way, the dictionary is characterized by a rich and updated content, making it a user-friendly and high-quality dictionary, a step higher than other dictionaries […]

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Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

According to The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, a phrasal verb is a “verbal idiomatic word that consists of a verb and an adverb (for example, break down), or a verb and a preposition (for example, see to)”. Starting from this assumption, we can consider phrasal only the verb which, in conjunction with an adverb […]


Informatica – Manuale di teoria ed esercizi

Times when computing was strictly reserved for IT gurus are far away. Increasingly powerful hardware has laid the groundwork for ever more intuitive user interfaces that allow to take advantage of the technology in no time. However, this great user-friendliness is not much useful when it becomes necessary to go beyond the simple setup of […]