A new and interesting offering by Edigeo for schools, universities and all those interested in classical languages.

The app Hoepli Latin Dictionary is the result of a ten-year team work by a group of authors who intended to put together the scientific skills of university research with the teaching experience to provide a reference work really designed for the current school.

The project and its realization aim to provide a valid support in the translation through a complete tool, that is also easy in the consultation and clear. The resulting app is an innovative product, while retaining all the merits and reliability of traditional vocabularies, making it an invaluable reference tool for students and lovers of Latin, of good readability, easy to consult, rigorous and careful in the structures and usable in its entirety.

The dictionary is a modern study tool, suitable for daily practice, far from both simplistic and excessive complexity, which allows a very easy consultation for a wide range of users. It includes all the items commonly used by writers who usually study in classical high schools.









Product Description

  • User interface in Italian and English
  • 64,000 entries
  • Over 102,000 acceptions
  • Over 180,000 translations
  • Numerous examples of authors
  • Complete offline use
  • Index: displays in alphabetical order all the entries that match the characters you entered
  • Search: allows to search the phraseology and full text
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

Technical Requirements

  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x and later versions
  • Amazon: Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x and later versions

This app is available on the following online stores:





This app provides the Hoepli edition of the Finnish-Italian/Italian- Finnish Dictionary from Lorenzo Amato, Katia Brunetto, and Lena Dal Pozzo. With over 25,000 headwords graphically displayed in a clear and immediate way, the dictionary is characterized by a rich and updated content, making it a user-friendly and high-quality dictionary, a step higher than other dictionaries of the same category.

In addition to the search in the broad wordlist, the app allows you to run full-text searches and provides a useful option to search the phraseology providing for a real context of the spoken language, and making the dictionary a useful tool for quick reference as well as a safe and practical language guide for both idioms.











Product Description

  • Perfect for anyone who interacts with Finnish and Italian languages
  • Over 25,800 headwords
  • Wide repertoire of useful phrases

Technical Requirements

  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x and later versions
  • Amazon: Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x and later versions

Main Features

  • User interface in Italian and English
  • Complete offline use
  • Index: Displays in alphabetical order all the Italian and Finnish entries that match the characters you entered
  • Search: Allows to search the phraseology and full text
  • Useful phrases: Allows you to search for terms related to the most common situations and contexts of everyday life
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following online stores:





According to The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, a phrasal verb is a “verbal idiomatic word that consists of a verb and an adverb (for example, break down), or a verb and a preposition (for example, see to)”. Starting from this assumption, we can consider phrasal only the verb which, in conjunction with an adverb or a preposition, changes the basic meaning becoming idiomatic and acquiring a new and different semantic valence.

The app Hoepli Phrasal Verbs Dictionary by Fernando Picchi is a comprehensive guide to using and understanding English phrasal verbs. For each phrasal verb, various Italian translations are provided, which faithfully or extensively reproduce the meaning, further clarified by a wide range of examples, which also illustrate the use.

In addition to the index, where it is possible to automatically find the entries matching the characters you type, the app allows you to search for specific phrasal verbs. The Glossary option allows you to search for Italian verbs translated through an English phrasal verb, while the Full Text option allows you to search for Italian and English terms within all dictionary entries. To narrow the search scope, the Categories option lets you select specific categories (for example, anatomy, botany, policy, etc.).



  • 3150 English phrasal verbs
  • Examples of use for each meaning

Technical Requirements

  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 7 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

Main Features

  • User interface in Italian and English
  • Complete offline use
  • Index: displays in alphabetical order all the English phrasal verbs that match the characters you enter
  • Search: allows to search the phrasal verbs, the Italian verbs with phrasal verbs translations (Glossary), and full text
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following online stores:

google amazon appstore

The app Grande Dizionario Greco Classico by Jannis Korinthios aims to reconcile a scientific treatment with a clear, comprehensive and simple explanation, following the latest spreading and communication forms; it is mainly intended to satisfy the needs of classical secondary school and university students.

Designed with innovative graphical and textual features, the dictionary stands out because of the abundance of entries, and the comprehensiveness of verbal paradigms, constructions, phraseology, and idioms.

This dictionary is a definitive tool for the modern study of ancient Greek, away from both oversimplification and complexity, allowing effortless consultation to a wide range of users. The entry list includes all words used by authors commonly studied in secondary schools specializing in classical studies. Translations have been chosen in order to respect the current use of Italian language.


Product Description

  • User interface in Italian and English
  • Over 140,000 entries
  • 7,500 verbal paradigms and inflected forms
  • 25,000 constructions
  • 13,500 phrases and proverbs
  • 4,500 synonyms and antonyms
  • 750 Greek prefixes and suffixes used in Italian
  • Complete offline use
  • Index: displays in alphabetical order all the Greek entries that match the characters you entered
  • Search: allows to search the phraseology and full text
  • Ability to define search categories
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions


  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Amazon: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

This app is available on the following online stores:




The app New Economics and Business is an English-Italian encyclopedic dictionary spanning every branch of finance and economy, from international trade to economics and financial politics, from accountancy to management, from statistics to law. This new edition offers a rich set of headwords related to these areas, with particular attention to the new finance developments.

Every English headword is followed by their Italian translation and by a clear and accurate definition in Italian, using a simple language with no need of useless technicalities, therefore fit for both translators and students.

Beside the search within the wide choice of headwords, the app offers the option to search within the phraseology, the Italian translations, and full text, providing an essential point of reference for anyone interested to get a deep knowledge of economics and finance.











Product Description

  • Essential tool for professionals, students, researchers and anyone working in the world of economics and finance
  • 37,500English entries
  • 32,500 Italian translations
  • More than 30,000 definitions
  • 400 phrases linked to main entries


  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 7 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Amazon: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

Main Features

  • User interface in Italian and English
  • The app can be used offline
  • Search: allows to search the entries, sub-entries, and full text
  • References are highlighted and selectable within definitions
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following online stores:





The app Legal Lexicon in 3 languages by Alfredo Snozzi is the first juridical trilingual dictionary (Italian-German-French), with more than 10.000 headwords and expressions taken from the juridical, political, and administrative language. Although pointed on the Italian and Swiss law systems, the data bank is full of links to legislations and juridical terminology of other European countries, mainly France and Germany. Because of its structure and content, it differs from traditional bilingual dictionaries as not only it is trilingual, but it also defines and contextualizes the individual headwords, indicating any different meanings..

The app is a valuable tool targeted not only to legal practitioners (lawyers, judges, officials), but also to linguists, professional translators, and students in law, politics, social sciences, and, in general to those interested in events and institutions of legal and social life.

The author Alfredo Snozzi has been chief of the Legislation Service and of the Italian Translation Service at the Federal Swiss Chancellery in Bern, and professor of juridical translation for over 30 years at the University of Geneva.

The app user interface, available in three languages (Italian, French, and German), allows you to search headwords, sub-headwords and full text.











Product Description

  • Ideal for technical translators, teachers, students, professionals and legal consultants working with Italian, German and French
  • 12,800 among Italian headwords, sub-headwords, and expressions
  • 15,000 French translations and 15.000 German translations
  • 10,000 definitions with more than 3000 links to Swiss, Italian, German, and French legislation
  • 3500 links between entries


  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Amazon: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

Main Features

  • User interface in Italian, French, and German
  • The app can be used offline
  • Search: allows to search the entries, sub-entries, and full text
  • References are highlighted and selectable within definitions
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following online stores:





An increasing number of users prefer using online dictionaries than traditional printed versions. This figure is confirmed by the continuous decrease in the sales of these works in bookstores.

On the other hand, it is understandable that in the face of an expense that often exceeds 100 euros, many prefer to use the online or electronic versions, which are often free or available at much lower prices. However, putting aside for a moment the economic aspect, no wonder that the introduction of electronic and online dictionaries offers a true alternative to the traditional printed offer. Let’s see some pros and cons that may help to clarify tihis development.


dizionari-copiaIn a printed dictionary, the search for a lemma requires a certain mental and physical effort. You have to flip through the pages to find the correct section in alphabetical order, then you must scroll through the items until you find the one you want. This reading work can be tedious and time consuming, but often helps you to also find other terms in the context, making easy to learn new words, and helps you to keep your mind working, similar to “do mental arithmetic and not with the calculator”.

Searching an electronic dictionary is much quicker, often you can just type a few characters to go directly to the desired entry. You can also do full search text for phrases or idioms to find all matching entries. This is a very useful option for those who travel abroad and want to find local idioms leveraging the phraseology.


A printed dictionary does not require electricity or an Internet connection, and it does not crash due to software or hardware problems. Moreover, it is useful in many circumstances, for example, where specific regulations prohibit the use of electronic devices, in locations without Internet coverage, on planes that prohibit the use of electronic devices, while conducting tests, etc.

By contrast, an electronic dictionary can be brought anywhere, on a PC or a smartphone, without the weight and bulk of a volume of thousands of pages. Not only, the amount of information that it can provide is absolutely greater than that of a printed dictionary.


The problem of the cost has certainly contributed to the significant decrease in sales of the traditional printed volumes. A good dictionary can still cost more than 100 euros, although there are often pocket versions available at a lower cost.

In the electronic world, there is an extremely wide range of free or cheap dictionaries. Just connect and you can quickly download a dictionary in a few seconds to find what you’re searching for, not to mention the continuous availability of multilingual dictionaries online.


The traditional printed versions were updated with new editions published after many years, often just before the exhaustion of stocks.

An online dictionary can be updated in any moment, both in terms of software and content. The wide spread of social media helped to increase the interaction with the users, so they can contribute to the development of the content with comments and suggestions, or by creating specialized or custom dictionaries (unfortunately, not always with satisfactory results).


All the best printed dictionaries were created by experienced teams of linguists through a long and accurate editorial work. Important authors (and publishers) have helped to create works recognized worldwide for their quality. This is confirmed by the fact that dictionaries are often known by the name of the author (some examples: “Zingarelli”, “Gabrielli” or “the Devoto Oli”) which immediately denotes the content (Italian rather than English Dictionary) and consequently the reliability of the content.

In the case of electronic and online dictionaries, it is often not clear who is the author, who chose and edited the entries and what sources were used. Much of the free offers is made with the sole purpose to get the largest possible number of users to whom pouring out banner ads. Even the social media impact, mentioned above, and the development of online communities contribute to a greater confusion: the higher interaction with users can help and accelerate the content creation, but often this is not subject to adequate quality control procedures.

Fortunately, all the historically printed material accumulated is not wasted and the same versions of the dictionaries that are on paper are now being increasingly transformed into reference tools available on the Web or in the form of applications for the various operating system platforms. These proposals often have a cost, which, however, is generally lower than the corresponding printed version, and is certainly compensated by the quality of the product.

An example of an online offer is the one proposed by the Italian eLexico.com website, where you can find the leading dictionaries published in Italy. A subscription allows access at any time to the desired dictionary with the possibility to also download an offline version.

Another interesting initiative comes from our collaboration with Edigeo, who is publishing many of the best known Italian dictionaries and encyclopedias (check out the catalog) in the form of app for Android and iOS mobile devices, and PCs and smartphones using Windows 10. The apps are available in major online store and offer an interesting solution especially for those who make intensive and professional use of these reference tools (translators, students, travelers, etc.).

The Hoepli Technical Dictionary French-Italian/Italian-French is an invaluable tool for translators, technicians and companies which work with French-speaking countries.

This new revised and expanded edition is the result of an impressive project undertaken by Edigeo involving numerous professional figures as well as compilers and lexicographers. In addition to the terminology of classic branches of learning, such as mechanics, chemistry and physics, there are also terms.





  • User interface in Italian and French
  • 260.000 headwords and definitions
  • Systematic information regarding the sectors terms are used in
  • Selection of basic terminology regarding commercial, administrative and business sectors
  • 94 search categories

Technical Specifications

  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Amazon: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

Main Features

  • Complete offline use
  • Index: displays all the Italian and French headwords matching the entered term
  • Search: allows to search the phraseology and full text
  • Ability to select the categories for the advanced search
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following online stores:





The new edition of Julia Dobrovolskaya Hoepli Dictionary Russian-Italian/Italian-Russian is a unique reference for students, teachers, and translators.

It presents an up-to-date list of entries and a practical approach of entries display, including an impressive range of registers: from literary to colloquial meanings, soviet and post-soviet bureaucratic, realias, popular and slang expressions.

copertina_iph5_russord-iphone-5s-02-copia rd-lumia-03-copia






Product description

  • User interface in Italian and Russian
  • 80.000 headwords, 200.000 definitions
  • Dual translations, fixed expressions, proverbs and idioms
  • Binomi traduttivi, fraseologismi, modi di dire e proverbi
  • Words contextualization within phrases or quotations taken from russian and italian authors
  • Abbreviations and acronyms linked to current affairs, science and new technology
  • Systematic information about register and currency
  • Division into syllables and pronunciation of every Italian and foreign entry

Technical Specifications

  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Amazon: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

Main Features

  • Complete offline use
  • Index: displays all the Italian and Russian headwords matching the entered term
  • Search: allows to search the phraseology and full text
  • Ability to select the categories for the advanced search
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following stores:





The Technical Dictionary German-Italian/Italian-German Hoepli is an invaluable tool for translators, technicians and companies which work with German and Italian. This new revised and expanded edition is the result of an impressive project undertaken by Edigeo involving numerous professional figures as well as compilers and lexicographers. In addition to the terminology of classic branches of learning, such as mechanics, chemistry and physics, there are also terms.

copertina_tectedesco tected01 tected_iPh5_04tedesco

Product Description

  • User interface in Italian and German
  • 250,000 headwords and definitions
  • Systematic information regarding the sectors terms are used in
  • Selection of basic terminology regarding commercial, administrative and business sectors
  • 116 search categories

Technical Specifications

  • iTunes: Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using iOS 6 and later versions
  • Google Play: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets Android 4.0 e later versions
  • Amazon: Compatibile with smartphones and tablets using Android 4.0 and later versions

Main Features

  • Complete offline use
  • Index: displays all the Italian and German headwords matching the entered term
  • Search: allows to search the phraseology and full text
  • Ability to select the categories for the advanced search
  • In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
  • Ability to change the font size of the definitions

This app is available on the following stores:


