Generally, this issue is considered too late, when your computer has already been filled with huge amounts of data, but the question of the name to be assigned to the files is always a delicate and underestimated issue. Most users begin to create files by assigning often improvised names or names that are considered intuitive at the time, often they create folders without a precise order, maybe stacking files on the desktop in a disorderly way 8ever seen those terrible submersible desktop icons to bulk?).
The problem arises when at a certain point you need to retrieve a report or a photo taken a few years ago and you find yourself rummaging desperately in the big mess you have originated. Even if your operating system provides you a file search feature, the problem is often that you do not remember the name or even a part of the content. Worse still, if you’re searching for an image (which has no text content), the problem starts to become unpleasant.
IN the business world, things are still more delicate. Information must remain accessible over time, independently from the staff turnover, must be rapidly recoverable for any need or legal request. Furthermore, electronic archiving systems are becoming increasingly popular requiring you to choose the most appropriate criteria for classifying incredible volumes of data.
Properly organize files and folders by assigning appropriate names then becomes a requirement of productivity and farsightedness. It is a work that must be done in advance, perhaps as soon as you buy a PC, and requires consistency and accuracy in time. Some guidelines to tackle the problem in a rational fashion and commensurate to each specific need are summarized in the below ebook that you can conveniently view or download.
Read the ebook Linee guida per la denominazione dei file